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VTube Studio iOS版

VTube Studio iOS版

类型: 主题壁纸 时间:2022-08-20 00:00:00

简介 信息 推荐
  • VTube Studio iOS版
  • VTube Studio iOS版
  • VTube Studio iOS版
  • VTube Studio iOS版


VTube Studio最新版v1.19.0更新说明

This updates add better support for 3rd party Mac/PC clients like VSeeFace and VBridger.

如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈www#iswe(dot)com,或移步VTube Studio官网下载最新版

VTube Studio iOS版介绍

VTube Studio is your all-in-one solution for becoming a Live2D Virtual YouTuber like the pros!
With VTube Studio, you can easily load your own Live2D models directly on your iPhone or iPad (must support Face ID) and become one with them using high-quality face tracking. You can also use VTube Studio for macOS or Windows to stream the face tracking data directly to your computer and animate the model there and use it in your own videos and livestreams!
For more information on how to download the macOS and Windows versions or how to load your own models (it's easy!), please refer to the documentation and video tutorials at https://denchisoft.com/
Note: VTube Studio is officially licensed to use the Live2D Cubism SDK.

